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Listed as a free member on your website
Membership without voting rights
Free Legal and other professional advice (Initial Consultation Free)
Better Utility rates, Insurance premiums and other cost savings
Access to BTCC organised networking events
Discounted price on BTCC Organised panel discussions
Use of Chamber of commerce logo in your website
Company Profile Required!
All the benefits of a free member
Membership with voting rights
Listed as a full member on our website
Contribute to our blog section and get a link to your website
Once free pass for paid networking events, training events and gala awards night
Discounted sponsorship price BTCC organised events such as London Tamil Market & Tamil's & Tamil's Gala Awards Night
Company Profile Required!
All the benefits of a paid member
Listed as a full member on our website
Be Featured in our monthly newsletters to BTCC members (at the discretion of BTCC)
Nominate one paid/gold member per year (at the discretion of BTCC)
Ability to supplement a paid member for one year
Option to be one BTCC organised TV shows and be on short interviews for social media
Two free passes for paid networking events, training